Vasant Corporation Spiral

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Dr. Ines Espinoza and George Bugh About George Bugh
Dr. Inés Espinoza with spouse, George Bugh
.     Grew up on a small ranch in the hill country near Austin, Texas, USA
.     Maintained flight simulators in the USA Air Force for 4 years
.     Received a bachelors in electronics engineering technology at the DeVry Institute
.     Senior staff engineer, 20 years in electronics for testing of new aircraft designs
.     Aerospace experience has no relation to personal research with spin waves
.     Spent 7 years studying physics, time, spin waves and unusual energy devices
.     His employer’s office of intellectual property has no interest in spin wave technology
.     The Vasant Corporation now owns all rights to George J Bugh’s research papers
.     George Bugh is now the property of Doctor Inés Espinoza
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